November Club Information
November 12, 2019
This video is based off of the November calendar for clubs. I dove into a bunch of information about each of the four club pillars. The four pillars are the school spirit, peer wellness, community service, and youth development pillar. the school spirit pillar includes all of the student classes, band clubs, and athletic association. Peer wellness includes creative writing, friends of Rachel, International club, youth to youth, SADD club, and GSA (gay strait alliance). Community service pillar includes, AV club, donate life club, key club, national honor society, friends of the planet, youth against cancer, and yearbook club. youth development pillar includes, art club, FBLA, future teachers of America, scholastic bowl, robotics, science olympiad, model UN, an last the gamers club or gamers guild. This video goes over all of the dates and events for each of the clubs. The school spirit pillar is advised by Mrs. Beull and Mr. Damino, peer wellness is advised by ms. Delzer, community service, Mr. Turton, and youth development is advised by Claire Ritchie. I hoped this video is helpful for you to mark the calendar for when your club is active. Thank you and as Wyatt would say, have a blessed day