All You Need to Know About Scheduling

Second semester is in full swing, meaning new classes, new sports, and new schedules. Over the next couple months, all students grades nine through eleven are being called to the guidance to create their schedules for the 2023-24 school year. This process may be a little overwhelming for students, especially underclassmen. I interviewed high school guidance counselor Ms. Delzer to hear exactly what you should think about when creating your schedule.

“The best course of study is to take a variety of different things,” Ms. Delzer said when asked what students should do if they’re unsure of a path to take.

In the case of underclassmen in particular, you may not know what your plans are after high school, whether it be college, trade school, military, etc. Taking a diverse range of classes is an excellent way to find your interests and passions and might even spark some new ones.

Ms. Delzer also stated that all students need 26 credits to graduate from Alden High School. Typically, students end up graduating with even more thanks to the block scheduling which allows us to take more courses each year.

Take these tips into consideration when creating your schedule to ensure a superior year ahead.