WACS Sports is the premiere sports show for the Alden Central School District. Helmed by Jack Rahuba, Carter Speranza, and Enzo Riccione, it aims produce quality sports content week in and week out. Through countless hours of editing and producing, they have created a system that is gradually proving to be the correct formula for success
When Jack and Carter looked at WACS as a whole, they noticed something was missing. Every week in WACS, kids would make videos about sports, but they were always the same. That’s when Jack and Carter knew what the organization was missing: a sports show. They conspired for weeks to produce, edit, and put out quality sports related content every week, and after a few months they had a winning formula.
Today, Jack, Carter, and Enzo pump out videos every week and are still delivering that same promise they made way back when: To deliver a quality sports show, week in and week out.
Check out some of their best episodes here: