This holiday season, Alden Central School added a creative spin to the beloved Polar Express story with their video, The Polar Express to North Road. Transforming a school bus into the festive Alden Express, the video follows a cheerful ride through town, picking up some of Alden’s most iconic figures.
Passengers included Superintendent Adam Stoltman, photographer Rick Penny, principals, the Bulldog mascot, and the always-recognizable Pink Cow. With a mix of humor, holiday music, and festive banter, the passengers ponder their destination: the North Pole—or is it North Road?
As the journey unfolds, viewers are treated to classic Christmas tunes, playful jokes, and a nod to Alden’s community spirit. The video blends holiday cheer with local charm, showcasing the camaraderie and creativity that define Alden Central School. Hop aboard and enjoy the ride!