Alden High School’s upcoming production of The Wizard of Oz is set to be an exciting performance, with a talented cast eager to bring the beloved story to life. Leading the show is Maddy Jones, who plays Dorothy. This is her final high school production, making the role particularly special as she returns to the classic story. Elise Stahl, who plays Glinda, is also thrilled to be part of the show, having been involved in theater since her freshman year.
Keaton Zaleski, playing Uncle Henry and the Emerald City Guard, and Noah Leonard, taking on the Cowardly Lion and Zeke, bring years of experience to their roles. Both actors are excited about the talented cast and the fun atmosphere surrounding the production. Adam Frank, portraying the Tin Man, and Claire Estrada, playing the Scarecrow, are passionate about theater and eager to share their skills with the audience.
Dreem Wright, who plays both the Wizard and Professor Marvel, is looking forward to contributing their talents to the show as he wraps up their high school theater career.
The cast is enthusiastic about offering a fresh take on this timeless classic. With all the hard work they’ve put into the show, they believe it will be a memorable experience for the audience. The Wizard of Oz promises to be an engaging and colorful performance filled with music, dance, and heart.