All County
April 4, 2017
Seniors, Alex Hamilton and Jenna Rutowski went to this years All County Music Festival event in Erie County. The event took place March 24th, and 25th. Our band director, Mr. Larrabee gave some information on how Alex and Jenna did this past weekend. There are two sections for the band, a junior orchestra and the senior one. After the two days, both junior and senior bands come together to play all as one the last night of the festival. Overall, these two seniors represented the Alden High School Band incredibly well. This event was located at University of Buffalo in Amherst NY. Jenna Rutowski played the clarinet and Alex Hamilton played the flute. The two of them were featured for this event and Mr. Larrabee was very proud with the outcome throughout the two days. Nassau Music Educators Association hosts this event each year for kids to audition to be specialized for their instrument. The top rated soloists are picked from auditions to be apart of the Erie County Orchestra. The students are given short pieces of music on the spot and they are to perform it to their best ability. Once again Mr. Larrabee states how proud Alex and Jenna should be for their performance.