Alden Budget Vote: Proposition #2 – Purchases of Buses

Bethany Dudley, Reporter

The Alden School Board has had a 0% tax levy increase for three years in a  row. The Board of Education of the Alden Central School District is attempting to find authorization to spend $549,000 from voter approved School Bus Reserve Fund to purchase new buses. The proposition to purchase new buses will have a continuation of an on – going bus replacement program. The proposition proposed to purchase three 66- passenger buses, and three 28- passenger buses for transportation. The department recommends an annual replacement of vehicles over 10 years old and in excess of 100,000 miles. A bus needs to be replaced when it becomes cost prohibitive to remain and when it no longer meets District criteria. The District’s transportation department maintains a fleet of 54 buses. The Alden Central District bus fleet traveled over 538,000 miles in its transportation of students to and from school. Also over 1,701 students are transported daily. The on-going bus replacement of buses is for the wellness and safety for the students and drivers.