(VIDEO) BUDGET: Proposition #3

Nick King


Purchase of Buildings and Grounds Equipment

The Board of Education is seeking authorization to expend $117,500 from the voter approved Buildings and Grounds Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to purchase:

Item #1 – One-Ton, Four-Wheel Drive Pick-Up Truck Our pick-up trucks are utilized year round for day-to-day operations, including snow removal, which takes a toll on the vehicle. The new truck will be used for the same type of duties.

Item #2 – 65 Horsepower Tractor with Bucket The District is seeking to purchase a new tractor with a front loader bucket to replace a similar 28-year-old vehicle. The tractor is used regularly to remove snow in the winter and for general landscaping and field maintenance during the other seasons.

Item #3 – 17’ Cutting Width Turf Batwing Mower Attachment The District is seeking authorization to purchase a 17- foot cutting width turf batwing mower attachment. The mower will be used to maintain the grounds and athletic fields on the District property.

Note: The cost of equipment is supported by Buildings and Grounds Equipment Reserve Funds and has no impact on the tax levy