Digital Portfolio: Dylan Kiener
June 16, 2017
Hello, my name is Dylan Kiener and i was an WACS News producer for the 2016-17 school year. Next year I plan to attend SUNY Fredonia for Computer Science. I enrolled in Multimedia productions because I wanted to do something different and try a fun class. Another reason, was that it always seemed cool to me, how Alden had a news class.
Most/all of my projects were the actual episodes of the WACS News show. Carl, Myself and Mr.Masci would develop a script every news cycle and we’d have an assignment meeting where we’d pick stories and assign them to reporter’s. For my class, i edited every single WACS News episode that we produced. In the beginning my editing was not worse but it took me way longer using IMovie, now, I feel almost fluent in the program and any new things I need to learn i pick it up quick. Some of my worse work were the episodes earlier on when i didn’t know all the techniques of producing. Script writing isn’t an easy thing to do either, it’s a different kind of writing. Writing for scripts is trying to talk the way someone else does, so you try to use their mannerisms and vernacular.
My advice to future students of WACS News would be quite simple. You need to put passion into your work. It makes it much easier to do, and it will show to anyone who sees it. Some challenges i faced during my news career were procrastination, and creative walls. The procrastination was just waiting to finish stuff or submit but, it was never late just made it harder for me. The creative walls are something you learn to climb, sometimes you need a little break to keep coming up with ideas or make something. A nice way to get a refresher, is to just go do something else for a little, and something can help to figure out something. I could have exerted some more energy into the WACS class but I still put in a great deal, and I’m proud of that.
The major skills I’ve sharpened from WACS News are video production and creative skills. The use of your imagination to think up ideas for videos, scripts, and episodes is like a muscle you can exercise to make stronger. I’ve definitely gotten better at thinking up ideas and projects. My video making skill help me not just in the classroom either, it has allowed me to make video son the side that i enjoy. WACS News really helps the whole district from promoting fundraisers or events, and spreading news to the community, while also teaching the students/reporters new and useful skills. I had a great time in this class, I’ve learned so much from Mr.Masci and Mr.Currin and really appreciate them for giving me the opportunity to take probably the best class at Alden High School. I learned in throughout the year in Multimedia Productions that the more effort you put into something it will turn out better. The class really benefited my productivity skills and then of course my new technical skills.