Pre-Veterans Day 2017

December 8, 2017
With this year’s Veterans Day assembly at Alden High School, comes a lot of preparation. The preparation for this years assembly has taken a couple of months. Mr. Kryszczuk deserves a lot of credit for these assemblies, along with student congress, and all of the Social Studies staff.
Mr. Kryszczuk has gathered all of the guest speakers, along with how we run the assembly. We are having two wonderful guest speakers this year, one from the Air Force and another from the Army. These two men will be talking about their personal experiences in their branches.
The attendance for this years assembly is expected to be a great turn out. Student participation is a huge part in preparation for the assembly. Students bring in family members or people they know to the assembly. This year we are having great music from the Park Street Voices and the High School Band all conducted by Mr. Larrabee. This year we are expecting a beautiful piece from Mrs. Kosinski’s art class as well making for a lot of student participation. Some classes are having different projects in the classroom as well. This year we are having three of our students read part of their speeches they had written for the Voice of Democracy contest in English classes. The reason for doing these types of assemblies here at Alden High School is to say thanks for all of the troops. This assembly is a way to appreciate what the veterans have done for our country.