Hats and Gloves Drive

January 16, 2018
Students in Alden High School have organized a hats and gloves drive in an effort to give back to charity during the holidays. Mr. Domino tasked his leadership class with coming with ideas to improve the school. Students Melissa Szymanski, Morgan McClellan, and Kaitlyn Wery decided that a hat and glove drive would benefit the community and the school. Four boxes were located near the bus doors to collect donations. Once walking through the bus doors the boxes are directly ahead. Each class had a designated box for their donations. Once a class donated a certain amount of hats and gloves they were awarded a point in the holiday havoc competition. This incentive should encourage students to bring in both hats and gloves. All donations are being donated to Friends of the Night. The less fortunate need the hats and gloves to endure the cold weather of Western New York.
Jordyn C. • Mar 9, 2018 at 10:24 am
I think the hats and gloves drive is a great idea to help people.
Lily W • Mar 9, 2018 at 10:22 am
This was an amazing idea.