The Band Turton
March 27, 2018
This past couple of weeks Alden High School has been buzzing about a band comprised mostly of teachers, Turton that is making a come back Friday, March 23rd. The band is made up of Mr. Currin (rhythm guitar), Mr. Domino (vocals), Mr. Larrabee (keys), The Partell brothers (drums and bass)and Mr. Buscemi (lead guitar). The band performed in 2008 at a variety show and were well received by the student body. A year later, the group played the Val’s Pals benefit concert for then student Valerie Uebelhoer. On March 23rd, the band will play a short set during the UNYTS Donate Life Dance. I spoke with Mr. Partell (Drums) and Mr. Domino (Lead Vocals) for more information. They stated that they played past shows including the talent show and a battle of the bands as well. They were nervous but also excited for the show this Friday since they haven’t played in so long that have been practicing day and night for the show. They also included they are proud to support Alden’s Donate Life Club with the reunited tour of Turton and for a chance to show the student how its done. The band want as many student as possible to attend the show on Friday the 23rd. The proceeds from the dance would go to Donate Life Club.