Theatre Summit 2018
May 14, 2018
Recently, Alden’s Theatre Club and the Middle School Drama Club w hosted the 2nd annual Alden Theatre Summit. Throughout the weekend, students participated in work shops related to next year’s shows. Next year’s High School shows will include Airline which is a comedy that takes place on an airplane and Mary Poppins. Across the parking lot, the Middle School will present High School Musical Jr. Summit participants took classes on topics including accents, brawling basics, tap basics, belting and more. They started their weekend on Saturday morning bright and early. Then throughout the day they went to different workshops and activities and finished the day after dinner. On Sunday morning students took two more workshops and got ready to perform at the showcase that night. At the showcase they put what they learned to work. Parents and other family members attended the showcase. This was a great experience for everyone involved. At the end of the 2018 Alden Theatre Summit everyone enjoyed themselves.
Bronwen "Bear" Harris • Oct 3, 2018 at 2:00 pm
The theatre summit was such a fun experience for aspiring actors and those interested in future performances. It was such a good experience for me and my friends to learn skills that may be useful in performances that may be coming up, including tap dancing, which will be utilized in the high school winter musical, Mary Poppins. I’m so grateful that they gave middle schoolers the option to participate in this amazing experience.
Carolyn • Sep 4, 2018 at 1:38 pm
I loved this experience and Sam did a great job giving the viewers a glimpse of what it was like to attend!