Alden Middle School is gearing up for an exciting production of Moana Jr., featuring a talented cast of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. These dedicated...
Alden High School’s new Vocal Jazz Club, led by Ms. Kelly Nieman, is striking a chord with chorus members eager to explore a unique musical...
This year’s Alden High School play production is Alice in Wonderland, a whimsical yet mysterious tale following a young girl who dreams of...
Step into a world where nothing is as it seems and reality intertwines with madness. The Alden High School Theater...
At Alden High School, the Art Club has become a vibrant hub for students of all interests and skill levels, offering a welcoming space...
Just in time for Halloween, Abby White and co-director Cayden Kronbeck brought a magical Hocus Pocus reenactment to Alden High...