BLOOD DRIVE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 27TH! Students 16+ Sign Up In Lunches! ---------- Donate Life Dance on March 28th! Western Themed and $5 Admission! ----------Pick up PROM PERMISSION SLIPS for YOU and GUESTS in GUIDANCE! You Must Have a SIGNED FORM to Buy a Ticket On 3/31! -------- SENIORS: Dollars For Scholars Applications are Due on March 31st! Start Your Essays ASAP ---------- Spring Break April 14th-18th ---------- Eastern Erie Retired Teachers $800 Scholarship is for Seniors Entering a 2-4 Yr. College, Applications in Guidance, Due 4/21! --------- Clarence A. Tyler Scholarship is for Seniors Pursuing 4 Yr. Degree in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, or PT. Applications in Guidance, Due 4/25! ---------- BLOOD DRIVE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 27TH! Students 16+ Sign Up In Lunches! ---------- Donate Life Dance on March 28th! Western Themed and $5 Admission! ----------Pick up PROM PERMISSION SLIPS for YOU and GUESTS in GUIDANCE! You Must Have a SIGNED FORM to Buy a Ticket On 3/31! -------- SENIORS: Dollars For Scholars Applications are Due on March 31st! Start Your Essays ASAP ---------- Spring Break April 14th-18th ---------- Eastern Erie Retired Teachers $800 Scholarship is for Seniors Entering a 2-4 Yr. College, Applications in Guidance, Due 4/21! --------- Clarence A. Tyler Scholarship is for Seniors Pursuing 4 Yr. Degree in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, or PT. Applications in Guidance, Due 4/25! ---------- BLOOD DRIVE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 27TH! Students 16+ Sign Up In Lunches! ---------- Donate Life Dance on March 28th! Western Themed and $5 Admission! ----------Pick up PROM PERMISSION SLIPS for YOU and GUESTS in GUIDANCE! You Must Have a SIGNED FORM to Buy a Ticket On 3/31! -------- SENIORS: Dollars For Scholars Applications are Due on March 31st! Start Your Essays ASAP ---------- Spring Break April 14th-18th ---------- Eastern Erie Retired Teachers $800 Scholarship is for Seniors Entering a 2-4 Yr. College, Applications in Guidance, Due 4/21! --------- Clarence A. Tyler Scholarship is for Seniors Pursuing 4 Yr. Degree in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, or PT. Applications in Guidance, Due 4/25! ---------- BLOOD DRIVE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 27TH! Students 16+ Sign Up In Lunches! ---------- Donate Life Dance on March 28th! Western Themed and $5 Admission! ----------Pick up PROM PERMISSION SLIPS for YOU and GUESTS in GUIDANCE! You Must Have a SIGNED FORM to Buy a Ticket On 3/31! -------- SENIORS: Dollars For Scholars Applications are Due on March 31st! Start Your Essays ASAP ---------- Spring Break April 14th-18th ---------- Eastern Erie Retired Teachers $800 Scholarship is for Seniors Entering a 2-4 Yr. College, Applications in Guidance, Due 4/21! --------- Clarence A. Tyler Scholarship is for Seniors Pursuing 4 Yr. Degree in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, or PT. Applications in Guidance, Due 4/25! ---------- BLOOD DRIVE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 27TH! Students 16+ Sign Up In Lunches! ---------- Donate Life Dance on March 28th! Western Themed and $5 Admission! ----------Pick up PROM PERMISSION SLIPS for YOU and GUESTS in GUIDANCE! You Must Have a SIGNED FORM to Buy a Ticket On 3/31! -------- SENIORS: Dollars For Scholars Applications are Due on March 31st! Start Your Essays ASAP ---------- Spring Break April 14th-18th ---------- Eastern Erie Retired Teachers $800 Scholarship is for Seniors Entering a 2-4 Yr. College, Applications in Guidance, Due 4/21! --------- Clarence A. Tyler Scholarship is for Seniors Pursuing 4 Yr. Degree in Dentistry, Pharmacy, Nursing, or PT. Applications in Guidance, Due 4/25! ----------
Toby Mitchell • May 10, 2019 at 9:22 am
I think that the new track will look good.
Billy Froman • May 2, 2019 at 9:00 am
i feel this athletic complex will be one of the nicest around buffalo but think we will need more bleachers since football games are usually packed
Dillon Dake • May 2, 2019 at 8:53 am
The new sports complex i think is amazing! I liked that you showed models of what it might look like in the future.
christian McCoy • May 2, 2019 at 8:52 am
I like the new pool, track, and football field.
Noelle Fulle • May 1, 2019 at 1:59 pm
i think having the new track is a great idea and the teams can get more practice in. i cant wait to see the new track.
luke amrhein • May 1, 2019 at 1:56 pm
i’m very excited to see the changes to the football felid and what more has to come! keep up the good work!
jacob baker • May 1, 2019 at 1:54 pm
Very excited to use the new field.
Rayahna Tryka • Apr 30, 2019 at 6:09 pm
The changes being applied to the athletic facilities are amazing. I can’t wait to see how they come together and are applied to our community!