Unlocking a Bright Future in Alden

The Key is in Key Club.

Matt Lamb, Reporter, Editor


When it comes to clubs, students at Alden High School have plenty of options to choose from. There are clubs for every interest. They cover foreign language, technology, business, science, social studies, and service. It be can difficult to decide which club to join. However, there is one club that every student should consider.

That club is Key Club. It’s the oldest and most widespread service oriented club in the country. Most high schools and colleges offer Key Club as a way to earn credit and serve others. Participating in Key Club is an easy way to earn the community service hours that colleges look for, and that’s great news because it is offered here at Alden High School. How does the Alden Chapter of Key Club fulfill its obligations?

“Our mission is to help the Kiwanis Club in their events and to build a resume for kids who want to go to college”, said Mark Mychajluk, the President of Key Club. It assists the Alden Kiwanis Club in ten of their events throughout the year. Each activity lasts one to three hours, so a member could potentially get between twenty and thirty hours of community service.  It’s first activity will be on Halloween. Key Club and Kiwanis will work together to pass out popcorn and other treats to trick-or-treaters in the village.

The club meets briefly after school every third Wednesday of the month. Mark Mychajluk was elected President of Key Club in this year’s opening meeting. He was voted unanimously into office. As president, Mark is in charge of directing the members of Key Club at their events. He makes sure that people are cooperating and getting the job done. With three years under his belt, Mark believes he’s ready to take charge and “do what’s right for the community”.

Helping the community isn’t just a one man job. It takes a lot of man power to do what they do. Overall, the club is supervised by Mrs. Regdos. Mark Mychajluk (President), Sully Keller (Vice President), Alex Wuerch (Treasurer), Laura Karlnowski (Secretary), and Peter Freeman (Pillar Rep.) also help run the show. Additionally, there are over twenty other members who make up the bulk of the club, but they are always looking for more help.