Alden High School Welcomes Jim Kelly

Nathan Lund/Cookie Altieri

Carl Aldinger, News Anchor

On Wednesday September 14, the High School took the opportunity to welcome former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly.  Over the summer, Alden High School took part in the the annual UNYTS Off Field Challenge.  Schools from all over Western New York participated in the contest trying to collect to most units of blood during the blood drive.  The three schools with the most donations received the prize of an all-school assembly featuring Jim Kelly.

Mr. Kelly answered questions from Varsity Coach Mr. Currin as well as student questions.  Sharing his story from his childhood to the present, Mr. Kelly shared an in-depth look at key moment of his life, including the story and experiences of his son Hunter and his own battle with cancer.  He then offered many encouragements of persistence and determination to the students of the high school.  Kelly finished the assembly by accepting a football singed football from the High School, and giving three students a chance to answer trivia and catch a football as souvenirs.


In addition to this highlight reel, the FULL VIDEO IS AVAILABLE HERE.