Cast and Crew Prepare for “How the West was Dun”
November 4, 2016
Rehearsals are underway for the Fall Play, How the West was Dun.
The set features a simple, stereotypical western town with a bank, jail, and even a saloon. In the town of Low Humidity Chasm, Widow Cracker (Lizzie Giglia) and her daughter Polly (Paige Rzepka) must pay their mortgage to Richard Coldheart (Carl Aldinger), or Polly will have to marry Coldheart. But Polly wants to marry the Sheriff (Dylan Kiener), who has to maintain order in the town– that is, he has to supervise has dull Deputy (Ian Johnson), keep an eye on Coldheart, and take down a band of villains (Everett Gilbert, Jocelyn Borynski, Brooke Strasbaugh, Anna Dussault Cameron Eastland, Zach Bennett, and Kerri Wilson). Even more people eventually come into town, including the musical Indianians (Lily Hart, Sam Bizub, Kirsten Lerner, and Anna Yoerg) and a rambunctious Reverend (Tim Hoy) and often meet in the saloon and hotel run by Bo Best (Carl Farrell) and Sal (Brooke Meyer).
After a lot deliberation during the casting process by the directors, perhaps their most difficult decision to date, the cast is embracing their characters and each other on and off stage. The progress of the cast has been astounding this year, finishing the first Act of the show in only four days. And over the course of rehearsals, cast members are increasingly growing closer to one another.
The technical aspects of the show differ from past shows, but are nonetheless unique, essential, and complex once again. The online ticket sales have also been opened to the public, and over 200 tickets have been sold so far.
“How the West was Dun” premieres on Thursday November 17 at 7:00pm. There are two other 7:00pm shows on November 18 and 19, and a matinee at 2:00pm on Saturday, November 19.