Six More Weeks Of Winter!!

Jacob Fairbanks, Reporter

This year on Thursday February 2, 2017 Punxsutawney Phil from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania spotted his own shadow. The legend states that if a ground hog sees their shadow on February 2nd there will be six more weeks of winter, but if the shadow is not spotted; spring of that year will come early. This year was the one hundred and thirty first time that Phil shared his meteorological ideas with us. The first date that Groundhog Day took place was February 2, 1886. Back then prospectors used hedgehogs or badgers instead of Groundhogs. When German settlers migrated to Pennsylvania they changed the weather predicting animal as a Groundhog. Punxsutawney Phil is predicted to be over one hundred years old. The average life span of a Groundhog is normally ten years. So, Punxsutawney Phil is very high over average for Groundhogs ages. The holders of Phil feed him Groundhog punch which is said to expand his life span. The groundhog is a species in the family of Ground Squirrels. Throughout hibernation Groundhogs can lose up to half their weight and are forced to eat a lot. Sources on Google search state that Punxsutawney Phil is about 20 pounds and 25 inches. On it states that on February 2nd visitors should arrive fairly early to be able to catch a shuttle to be transported to the site of the event.