Village Plans to Renovate Crosswalks

Carl Aldinger, News Anchor

The Village of Alden is making plans to update the system of certain pedestrian crosswalks within the village.  The new system features flashing LED beacons above the crosswalks as opposed to the current crosswalks which use only signs.  The lights will be a much better way getting the attention of drivers’ attention, since, in the past, vehicles have often not respected the pedestrians; pedestrians, by law, have the right of way.

Village Mayor Mike Manicki has seen several safety concerns that led to the decision to implement the new lights.  Between cars not stopping for pedestrians or small “fender-bender” accidents when only one car in a line stops, the need for the new system became evident.  The Village plans to install at least three of the signals: Broadway at Westcott, Emerson, and Church Street.  Mr. Stoltman, the superintendent of the Alden School District, is considering installing one at Crittenden and Park Street, but no decision on that has been made yet.  For the many students who walk to school, the lights will not actually eliminate the need for crossing guards as safety is main concern with the new signals.

The three signals planned for the Village on Broadway are on hold currently because Broadway is considered a state highway, therefore, the New York State Department of Transportation must come and do a traffic study first, before they approve the new lights.  Nonetheless, the Village plans to install the lights during the summer of 2017 with an estimated cost of four thousand dollars per signal.