Everything You Need to Know About Prom 2018

April 18, 2018
Many people around the high school have been asking questions about Alden’s upcoming prom. I sat down with Taylor Grabowski and Jeremy Evoy, junior class officers and essential members of the Prom Planning Committee to ask them what they’ve been working on.
The Prom Planning Committee is made up of eight to twelve dedicated junior class members. They have been in charge of the majority of prom planning since the fall. It’s because of this group and class advisors Ms. Wasmer and Ms. Pressburg that this prom is possible. The junior class has been fundraising for this event since their freshman year. They have participated in selling cookie dough, candy bars, an most recently a pancake breakfast held at Applebees.
Prom will be hosted at Samuel’s Grand Manor on May 18th 0f 2018. The night will start at 6:00pm and end at 11:00pm. The prom theme is rustic garden which entails beautiful ivy and twinkling lights. There will be a delicious buffet for dinner, made complete with a picture worthy dessert – baked Alaska. Post dinner will consist of a night spent on the dance floor. The prom court will be announced and celebrated with the prom song, selected by the Prom Planning Committee. The night is sure to be great for everyone. Tickets will be sold this week- April 16-20, before school and during advisement. Tickets will be $60. Make sure you stop by Ms. Wasmer’s room or Ms. Pressberg’s room to by your tickets and set up a table. Have a fun and safe prom!