Art Club Celebrates “International Dot Day”

Art Club Celebrates International Dot Day

Staff, Staff

At its first meeting of the year, high school Art Club members celebrated International Dot Day by working collaboratively and painting dots, of course!  International Dot Day was inspired by a children’s book “The Dot” written by Peter Reynolds.  The book  tells the story of a young girl in art class who feels she “can’t draw” but then is encouraged to “just make her mark” and she does — through dots. And slowly she begins to feel confidence and joy in the process of making her mark and creating her dots.  International Dot Day invites everyone to  imagine the power and potential of millions of people around the world connecting, collaborating, creating and celebrating all that creativity inspires.  Celebrations are global and take many different forms — everything from painting, creating videos about dots, to baking cookies frosted with dots.  Student artists here worked together and created dots of different sizes using different media.  “It was so fun to all be working together making our creative marks with dots and ending up with this huge dot mural!” commented one Art Club member.  Thirty-eight students participated and the results were, well… rather dotty!  Stop up to see the mural on the second floor of the high school or view the pictures here: