Scholastic Bowl-Dogs

Scholastic Bowl-Dogs

Taylor Tyburski and Matt Robertson, Producers

Here at Alden High School, students have plenty of clubs and extracurricular activities to choose from. However, it seems that many students are unaware of just how many opportunities exist. One club in particular is helping students work as a team, and utilize knowledge from both inside and outside of the classroom. Scholastic Bowl is a club that competes in academic trivia against schools throughout Genessee County. They answer questions based on anything from typical school subjects, to pop culture and random trivia. The team consists of members, Charlie Freeman, Austin Young, Kristina Wilson, and Michael Frisicaro who meet after school once a week. Practices are held from late October through December. Then the team competes on Wednesday or Thursday evenings throughout January and February.  The matches last approximately 1 hour and consists of 3 rounds. Students use a buzzer to take turns answering free response questions. Each team may only ring in one time to answer a question, the first team to answer the question correctly receives 10 points.  Round two is a lightening round.  The team with the lowest score has the first choice of 4 sets of questions. The team must have one spokesperson to answer the questions.  Ten questions are read and the team has 1 minute to answer as many as they can correctly. In their most recent Scholastic Bowl match, Alden came out on top with a score of 240 points. Scholastic Bowl is always looking for new members, so if your interested in proving your knowledge, talk to Mrs. Mertz. We’re Taylor Tyburski and Matt Robertson reporting for WACS News.