Mr. Carll and Mr. Casillo Badminton Champs: Origin Story


Dylan Zielinski, Anchor

Have you ever wondered how the most feared badminton duo in Alden history came to be? Well WACS News decided to go back in time to see how Mr. Carll and Mr. Casillo came together for one of Alden’s most famous events. Mr. Carll and Mr. Casillo have been dominating the badminton tournament for years. But, do you feel you have what it takes to bring this team down? If you do then sign up for the badminton tournament on March 11, 2020, at 5:30. Sign up sheets are outside Mr. Domino’s and Sra. Hazen’s rooms. The Athletic association hopes to see you here and remember if you don’t want to compete you can always come to support the teams participating in the tournament for 2 dollars. Best of luck to all teams participating and a bit of extra good luck to those who have to face Mr. Carll and Mr. Casillo.



(This video is used for promotional and educational uses and is a parody of the tennis scene in the “Mr. Deeds” (made in 2002) movie. All rights reserved to them.)