A Junior Time Capsule to Remember


After battling the hardships and tragedies of being an underclassman, the class of 2023 are finally juniors, and are already looking into what comes next. Is it college, traveling, an internship, a job? There is a world of opportunities open to our AHS juniors, and today I’ll be checking in with them to see what they hope for in the rest of their high school career and beyond. At the end of their 2023 school year, I will be checking in with the Class of 2023 again to see if their senior year lived up to their expectations and if they have the same hopes and dreams as they did when they were juniors.

When speaking to a handful of juniors, I heard all about their big dreams and plans for after high school, but even though they are already planning out the rest of their lives, a few of the students are still looking forward to enjoying their final year of their childhood.

When Class of 2023 student, Nate Hahn, was asked about his greatest fears of senior year, he replied with, “really it’s not living up to expectations. Ya know, I’ve looked forward to it all throughout middle school and high school, and I just want it to be everything I’ve hoped it to be.” It seems that most of the Juniors that I interviewed seemed to share the same opinions towards the end of their high school careers, but will their senior year truly live up to their expectations?

Watch my video, and come back next year to see more!