AHS Spreads Christmas Cheer Through Toys for Tots and Teens Campaign


Jill Peruzzi, Reporter

The excitement that a child experiences when they open up presents on Christmas morning is priceless, but unfortunately, the presents are not. Many parents can’t afford to buy gifts for their kids. That is why, this holiday season, Alden High School participated in the Kiwanis Toys for Tots and Teens Campaign. The United States Marine Corps Reserve directs this foundation. According to their website, their goal is “to help less fortunate children throughout the United States experience the joy of Christmas.” All of the toys that were donated are going directly to families in the Alden community.

Alden High School has become one of the many drop-off locations across the country that helps to make this charity event possible. They collected new, unwrapped toys, games, and books for kids ages 3-16 since the end of November. Within the past four weeks, they were able to fill at least three large barrels with toys to help bring Christmas cheer to local families. They have been participating in the Toys for Tots Program for the past twelve years.

When the toys are distributed, the names of the children are kept anonymous and gifts are sorted out by age and gender. Everyone shops for a specific Alden family and each child is able to receive five to ten presents. There are usually between 62 and 69 children in any given year. The donors leave while the Kiwanis men help load the toys into recipients’ cars. Often, parents are in tears because they are so grateful that their children are able to get gifts that they would not be able to afford otherwise.

“It’s so much fun, and the kids have a great time… it really makes their Christmas for them,” says Mrs. Regdos, coordinator of the event.

Toys for Tots was founded in 1947 when a Marine’s wife told him to donate a hand-made doll to a Christmas organization for needy children. The Marine soon realized that no such organization existed, so he decided to start one with the help of his Reserve Unit. Ever since then, the foundation has grown and been successful in fulfilling toy requests made by families in need every year. Altogether, more than 494 million toys have been donated to over 230 million less fortunate children. It is their hope that these toys will bring hope to underprivileged kids all over the United States. toys-for-tots-logo