Birch Creek Run Breaks Ground on Main Street in Alden


Max Gucinski, Reporter / Anchor

T0 follow up a story that was posted in early October of 2015, WACS News has decided to post an update about the development being constructed on Main Street in Alden – Birch Creek Run.

If you read the local news or go down Main Street often, you’ll know that Severyn Development has broken ground on this recent construction project in Alden. People who drive or walk down the street can see that the small forested area across the street from the Episcopalian Church has now been cut down to make way for the patio homes, and logs and sawdust are piled up beside construction vehicles. If you live in the area you’ll know that Meadow Drive and Homecourt have been around for quite some time and have brought many people to the area who can appreciate our small town values and community. This push to bring in more people would be complimentary to Alden because of a boost in assessed value of the village, and more stable property taxes among other reasons like a stimulus to our local economy.

WACS News got the inside scoop from Mayor Michael Manicki when the story was originally posted, and I decided to ask him about what was going on for this follow-up.

“According to Severyn they have a great deal of interest from both local and out of town customers interested in purchasing a home.  Construction of the model home that will face Main St. should start by the end of the month.  They will then build the road.  Actual home construction should start by early summer.”

This development will be Severyn Development’s first patio home project, and the company has much experience with construction in apartments and rehabbing older homes. They are based in Lancaster and are very thankful to have this opportunity.

Mayor Manicki has been very helpful in giving WACS News a good idea of the benefits that this development will bring to Alden.

To read the original story posted, click here.