The Return of Punk Isn’t Coming Anytime Soon

The Return of Punk Isnt Coming Anytime Soon

Everett Gilbert, Marketing Manager

Many fans of punk music seem to believe that because of the new President, the emergence of their favorite genre will be arriving soon. Most fans believe this due to the heavy political elements in the lyrics of punk, that the controversial presidency would fuel the flames of new artists to experiment with new modern punk sounds. I am here to tell you why this isn’t going to happen. First of all, let us begin with the fact that punk had its time. It came, and it went. The sound of punk isn’t simply going to dive back into the mainstream just because we don’t like our politicians.

Also, if we think about our past, while President Obama will go down in history as not-as-horrible of a president as George W. Bush, that doesn’t mean that the American citizens haven’t had their disagreements with the nations politicians. Let us also discuss the topic of social media in the expression of ones political views. Social media is an absolute game-changer when it comes to letting the world know why you might think that the President isn’t the best, or why your local town hall coordinator has a stupid haircut. For the youth that had grown up in the 70’s and 80’s, that 7-inch record full of blaring guitars and whiny vocals was, at the time, a great way to express your political views in an attempt to have a voice in a voiceless society. Social media gives everybody a voice, so the urge to create music, or good music for that matter, is greatly subdued by this fact. According to twitter, 80% of millennials are accessing Twitter through their mobile phone at least once per day. For the final reason why punk is not seeing its comeback is this. If people do not like the sound of music, they will not listen to it. Until either the sound of punk changes, or the preferences of the target audience changes, punk will still stay in the state that it is in, which, if we are counting the amount of punk artists that have released anything notable in the past 4 years, the punk rock community definitely falls short.