Vision 20/20: Proposition Two


Alex Leigh, Anchor

As part of the proposed Vision 20/20 project, the district wants to address a major school facility that desperately needs some attention, the high school pool. Over the years, many things in and around the pool have become outdated, past their useful life. In Proposition Two, there are plans to do a full rework of the pool area including the seating areas around the pool, the diving board, the boys and girls locker rooms and changing area, just to name some. The WACS News crew toured the pool at William Street School in Lancaster to get a look at what their more modern facility had to offer.


Mrs. Turton, who heads our Community Swim program and Lancaster’s joined us to point out some specific comparisons. I even got the chance to meet with William Street School’s Assistant Principal Greg Heer. Mr. Heer explained how their facility works with their school and community. Having a modern facility in our district would absolutely benefit everyone in the school and community. More of our visit can be viewed in the video above.