Alden Welcomes Miss Claflin


Samantha Bizub, Producer

Alden has just welcomed a new science teacher, Miss Claflin, to their team. I sat down with her and asked her about her past teaching jobs and future goals for Alden’s Science Department. Miss. Claflin has been teaching for 3 years. Prior to teaching in Alden, she taught at Wayne Central in the Rochester area. The block schedules at Alden are new and different compared to Wayne Central as well as our smaller class sizes. Miss. Claflin attended Edinboro University in Pennsylvania to complete her education. Being newer to the teaching game allows her to bring in more unique options and teaching strategy. One of her 11th grade chemistry students, Katie Fitscher, tells me that Miss. Claflin has indeed used new ideas in her class. Katie enjoys the content of her class as well as the big bowl of Jolly Ranchers on her desk. For right now, our new teacher hopes to keep her students engaged and loving science. Make sure you give Miss Claflin a big Alden welcome!