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  • Alden Community Approves $48 Million Capital Project to Transform the District ---------- Regents Week Jan. 21-24 ---------- JANUARY REGENTS EXAM SCHEDULE ----------- English Language Arts: 1/21 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Earth Science: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Chemistry: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Geometry: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- U.S History: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra l: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Physics: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Global History: 1/23 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra ll: 1/23 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Living Environment: 1/24 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Alden Community Approves $48 Million Capital Project to Transform the District ---------- Regents Week Jan. 21-24 ---------- JANUARY REGENTS EXAM SCHEDULE ----------- English Language Arts: 1/21 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Earth Science: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Chemistry: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Geometry: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- U.S History: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra l: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Physics: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Global History: 1/23 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra ll: 1/23 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Living Environment: 1/24 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Alden Community Approves $48 Million Capital Project to Transform the District ---------- Regents Week Jan. 21-24 ---------- JANUARY REGENTS EXAM SCHEDULE ----------- English Language Arts: 1/21 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Earth Science: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Chemistry: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Geometry: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- U.S History: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra l: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Physics: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Global History: 1/23 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra ll: 1/23 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Living Environment: 1/24 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Alden Community Approves $48 Million Capital Project to Transform the District ---------- Regents Week Jan. 21-24 ---------- JANUARY REGENTS EXAM SCHEDULE ----------- English Language Arts: 1/21 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Earth Science: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Chemistry: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Geometry: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- U.S History: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra l: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Physics: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Global History: 1/23 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra ll: 1/23 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Living Environment: 1/24 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Alden Community Approves $48 Million Capital Project to Transform the District ---------- Regents Week Jan. 21-24 ---------- JANUARY REGENTS EXAM SCHEDULE ----------- English Language Arts: 1/21 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Earth Science: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Chemistry: 1/21 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Geometry: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- U.S History: 1/22 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra l: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ----------- Physics: 1/22 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Global History: 1/23 @ 9:15 AM ---------- Algebra ll: 1/23 @ 1:15 PM ---------- Living Environment: 1/24 @ 9:15 AM ----------
Keeping Alden Connected!

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Keeping Alden Connected!

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Keeping Alden Connected!

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Aidan Hart

Aidan Hart, Bulldog Manufacturing Reporter

My name is Aidan Hart. I’m the Bulldog Manufacturing reporter and a part of the class of 2022 at Alden High School. I play varsity baseball, shoot for Alden’s varsity rifle team, am a part of National Honor Society, and work almost every day at Swan Trucking West where I help around the shop. In my free time I enjoy deer hunting, playing guitar, and hanging out with friends. As the head of sales at our student-based manufacturing company, Bulldog Manufacturing, I will be the connection between the company and WACS news.

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