Powderpuff Preview 2021


The girls at Alden High School always look forward to to participating in the Powderpuff game, although there wasn’t one held last year due to Covid-19.

Powderpuff is always a very competitive game between the grades. The freshman/senior team is always striving for a win, but the seniors are extremely competitive and hungry for a win before they graduate.

The Powderpuff game is new to freshmen, so learning the game is very important. Having practices to teach them the idea of the game and how to play is also important.

I interviewed Ben Meyer and he is confident that the sophomore/junior team will win the game.

“I think the sophomores/junior team is going to win the Powderpuff game strictly because I’m a coach, and two years ago when we did Powderpuff I was a coach for the freshman/senior team, we won so I think I’ve got some good luck carrying over.”