Career Chats

Brittany Jordon, Reporter

Former students might remember exploring careers over lunch in 6th-8th grade. Well, the Middle School Family and Consumer Science teacher, Mrs. Zelasko, is still doing them! Ever since 2007 she has had the Middle School students invite their family members’ in during lunches to talk about their careers. Many students from the Middle School go to a lot of this events because they highly enjoy the lunch career chats. Students learn a lot from these career chats, and they even may learn what they want to major in; at least get an idea of what they want to do. Also, if they get an idea on what they want to major in; they then can figure out what kind of classes they will want to take in High School. The students might even start talking to their Guidance Counselor about their ideas and/or dreams for the future. Mrs. Zelasko stated, “he feedback I get from the students about the career chats is excellent.”