WACS News 19 Weather


Alex Ward

The weather for Tuesday will be mostly sunny with a bit of clouds at noon. The high temperature will be about 31 degrees. The low temperature will be about 17 degrees. The high wind speed will be about 16mph. The low wind speed will be about 10mph. The sunrise will be about 7:17am. The sunset will be about 7:26pm. You might want a warm coat and you might want to bring your sunglasses.


The weather for Wednesday will be mostly cloudy. The high temperature will be about 33 degrees. The low temperature will be about 23 degrees. The high wind speed will be about 17mph. The low wind speed will be about 15mph. The sunrise will be about 7:15am. The sunset will be about 7:27pm. You will want a warm jacket and might want to bring sunglasses.


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