National Debt Lowered by an Estimated $12 Billion

Ryan Mahaney, News Reporter

On February 25, Trump took to Twitter and sent out a tweet regarding his job performance.  Rewinding back to Inauguration day, the national debt was $19,947 billion.  Going forward all the way to nearly one month later, the national debt has dropped.  Although not a noticeably staggering amount, the numbers add up.  On February 25th, the national debt was $19,935 billion.  Although many sources state that the president isn’t solely responsible for the national debt numbers, there has been a difference between the last two presidencies.  Trump included in his tweet that former president Barrack Obama brought up the national debt by Two Hundred billion dollars in his first month. The full tweet reads “The media has not reported that the National Debt in my first month went down by $12 billion vs a $200 billion increase in Obama first month.”