Stay Healthy, Stay In School


Jacob Eberle, Reporter

It’s that time of year again! The weather is ever changing from cold, to warmer, right back to cold again. In this transition from the Winter season into Spring, it definitely takes a toll on each of our immune systems. Sicknesses have been rampant around Alden in this early Spring season, and it’s still making its way around the school and community. Fortunately, there’s ways to beat the cold and flu this year by following these tips.

Cover your mouth: Always, ALWAYS, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing. Sneezes can send up to about 100,000 germs into the air. You don’t want that spreading around. Cover your mouth/nose with the crease of your elbow.

Wash your hands: This is pretty self explanatory. Up to 332,000 different germs are living on your hands right now. Now imagine all the surfaces you touch on a daily basis. That’s pretty gross, right? Do us all a favor, and wash your hands often, at least once every couple hours.

Avoid others: This one goes out to that “perfect attendance” kid who, despite having 4 different illnesses at once, still manages to come into school. If you’re sick, stay away from the healthy, and if you’re healthy, stay away from the ill. It’s a simple concept that can truly avoid the spreading of more germs.

Plenty of sleep: The main reason sickness spreads so quickly during these times is because the cold and inconsistent weather breaks down your immune system. Sleep is key to your body, as your body focuses more on building up your immune system and fighting off germs through sleep instead of focusing on other daily functions. It’s recommended the average person needs 7-10 hours of sleep. Plan accordingly!

These 4 tips are just the tip of the health iceberg, but these are key steps to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying healthy through times of rampant illness. Stay healthy Alden!